Saturday, March 19, 2011

Good Ol' Texas

I am back home.

It has been a week since the devastating 9 quake in northeast Japan. I still can't believe what has happened and what has brought me back to America. I just keep thinking: "Why does it have to be Japan? Hmm?!?! WHY?!?!?!" I love Japan and its people SO SO SO much. My thoughts and love go out to Japan.

I got a smack in the face from reversal culture shock. No more politeness. Road rage. Distasteful choices Americans make in life and fashion. I'm becoming more racist than I was before I left for Japan. And the thoughts I have in my head are not Japanese-like.

There are pluses being back in America. Don't get me wrong. My family is here. My babies are here. My Samikuns and Naito are so comforting to have around. My pup can sense the depression in my sighs and attacks me with kisses. I need to take my Naito for a drive, but with these gas prices, I don't know... There's easy access to daily necessities and non-necessities for low prices. I went to Spec's and Krogers and was SO amazed by the cheap prices while my brother complains how expensive things have gotten. Food is dericious! Had me some home-cooked bun rieu and Waffle House for a late night snack after drinking for St. Patrick's day. (Which I totally forgot about...) I can read and understand signs here. My English is going to go back to normal. (Hopefully) No more Japanglish.

Now that I am in America again, NO MORE MISS NICE GIRL!! I am NOT in Japan anymore. Readjusting to America is a lot more painful emotionally and psychologically than I thought it would be. I was only gone for 7 months. WTF. My mind is blank. I can't believe I am back in America.

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