Monday, August 30, 2010


It is almost time.

I am leaving tomorrow. I'm flying out to Chicago... then Tokyo!

The past few months have been wonderful. My days got so busy that I had to put my lunch/dinner/hh play dates on my iCal. I had color coding and everything! I felt so POOPular.

And I would like to thank everyone who came to my Sayoonara Paatii. It was wonderful. Lots of yummy foods, drinks, and scrapbooking!! (The scrapbooking is my fave part... right after the lion dancing of course. ;P) I will keep these memories with me always.

Stare down with the lion

I can't believe that I am actually going to Yokohama to teach. It seems too surreal. This has been something that I've always wanted to do. I've been wanting to live in Japan after watching Sailor Moon for the first time. I think that was 3rd grade??? I wanted to go find Tuxedo Mask, and actually... I still do... 44!!!

Thank you everyone who has been so supportive and who believed in me even after I got alternate-listed for the other program. Love you!