It's still a bit premature, but I think I am going to South Korea. The process of my escape plan part two is starting back up again. SKorea is almost within reach. I don't know why but, I just have the urge to not be in America. There is so much more out there in the world, and I just got to go out there and see it.
Before returning to Houston, I was actually already thinking about SKorea. That was next on my list of places to live and teach in, but I just didn't think it was going to be this soon. I have applied to several programs through different recruiters and directly with some programs for SKorea, but I'm a little picky. I have to be in Seoul or the donut that surrounds it, Gyeonggi-do!
It's not definite yet, but teaching positions are available. And now, I wait for interviews. All my paperwork prior to getting a job is done pretty much. The only thing is that gosh dern FBI criminal background check. And then after getting a job offer is the visa process, and then I fllyyyyyyy to SKOREA!!~ And all of this is going to happen in the next two months! I should be living and teaching in SKorea in September!
CROSS YOUR FINGERS FOR ME!~ *Crosses fingers
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